Historical rationality

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Historical rationalityHistorical rationality
  1. Chinese ancient traditional social control mode of combining li with law has its historical rationality .


  2. Existing this pattern has its historical rationality .


  3. It is obvious that historical rationality is a lack in his writings .


  4. From Historical Rationality and Humanistic Spirit to Id Spirit


  5. On the Helplessness and Historical Rationality of the " Aphasia " in Chinese Literary Criticism


  6. His views of unnecessary calendar reform embodied their historical rationality in the modern Chinese context of society and culture .


  7. The books and records while treat as the administrative operation basis to raise Zhou people the historical rationality similarly .


  8. This phenomenon is inevitable and has its historical rationality , which once pushed the emergence and development of Chinese capital market .


  9. Although government absorbing investment has a certain historical rationality and produces some positive effects , but it is the performance of government functions dislocate and offside .


  10. Industry association is a kind of social groups organized by government or spontaneously for operators or enterprises in order to maintain and coordinate common interest ; its emergence is the need of economic development and has the historical rationality .


  11. Thus , the study of the social development and changes of mankind should take the historical rationality and the unique historical perspective of commodity economy into consideration , which will help reveal the basic law of the development and changes of human society .


  12. In terms of the conflicts between an individual life and historical rationality , LuYao 's novels observed the existence of an individual person , showed a concern over his or her value and brimmed with a strong felling about the common people .


  13. Historical logic rationality will be increasing spot of theory of philosophy of science .


  14. Historical Logic Rationality & the Direction of Philosophy of Science Rationality in Future


  15. The key to grasp historical logic rationality is how to comprehend " history " .


  16. The further development of philosophy of science expresses that the direction of philosophy of science rationality in future should be " historical logic rationality " that will unify two .


  17. Historical logic rationality would unify that two in order to search logical confirmatory and standardization from historical development , and remove mysticism , mistiness and relativism .


  18. Historical logic rationality is in the embryonic stage , but it is new visual angle for us to " see " science , and already has become and will turn into new increasing spot of theory of philosophy of science .


  19. Historical Evolvement of Rationality and Construction of Rationality in Chinese Society


  20. Stability Orientation : Historical Necessity and Rationality of the Soviet Socialist Model


  21. Implementing rational survey and response to these forms , we are trying to understand the historical inevitability and rationality existing in the two forms of culture .


  22. In fact , the household registration system , but the government itself in order to keep the number of accounts set up an account book registration system , the existence of its historical necessity and rationality .


  23. Patterns with entire freedom , close restraint and negative restraint have their respective specific historical backgrounds and rationality of existence . Nevertheless , there have emerged numerous drawbacks in the above-mentioned patterns along with the economic and social development in China .
